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"A Bench For Caps" Community Recycling Drive

Dream Center's

3 Year Totals

As of 3-29-19 -- the Dream Center's 8th and final trip to Green Tree Plastics -- our community has  officially recycled

39,500 pounds

of plastics caps and lids into useful items for our community!


102 Benches

18 Tables

3 Trash Receptacles



Want to earn items for your own community?

If you are a children's group and you want to earn items for your own school/community.


Contact Green Tree Plastics


ABC Promise Partnership is an amazing program!

Our Story

JDCF found  Green Tree Plastics in 2015. They were out of Evansville, Indiana; and they had an AMAZING program called ABC Promise Partnership which allowed kids' to recycle plastic bottle caps and lids into benches for their communities.  It's was an exciting teaching tool wherein plastic bottle caps were transformed into benches that would last a lifetime. The true value came from the profound experience that children could make a difference! They could see, sit on, and donate to their community the very results of their hard work. This was the most-perfect-real-life example of SUSTAINABILITY and it happened quite naturally as the kids couldn’t wait to share the story of their bench. Their enthusiasm engaged ALL those around them in recycling… their parents… their grand parents… their neighbors… the next generation.
Dream Center Foundation Kids accepted this recycling challenge and in return we challenged our community to GET INVOLVED. 
We never could have anticipated the over-whelming support we  received! Honestly, we never anticipated this program going beyond helping the Jacksonville Bark Park... Boy were we WRONG!


​**This recycling program didn't make the benches FREE, but it did reduce the cost of purchasing them in addition to the benefits of recycling.
Acceptable Caps Listing Revised 8-2019.j

Our Very First YouTube Video

​​**This  video was produced May 2016 at the very start of our collection drive. The kids LOVED burying Steve in caps!


The ABC Promise Partnership is for Caps & Lids ONLY.  The actual drink bottles are a different type of plastic, and are not an acceptable part of their recycling program.  Click on the graphic above to download a printable pdf file.

Click Here for the list Green Tree has with more pictures.


These caps have earned JDCF $200!


JDCF also participated in the Prairie Farms "Our Caps Your Cause" program.   Since we received so many Prairie Farm caps in our donation bins, we took taking full advantage.  The kids pull out these valuable caps while sorting, later they keyed in the special code to earn JDCF money, then they tossed them back into the pile for  the benches.  Caps doing Double Duty! 

Awesome Bonus!

                          Frequently Asked Questions                            

Jacksonville Dream Center Foundation is no longer collecting caps.  Our 3 year journey within this awesome program has ended.   We do NOT know of anyone else collecting or any other programs.

FAQ #2 -- Why are you done collecting???  Jacksonville Dream Center collected and sorted caps and lids for 3 years, and towards the end the children were losing momentum.  We had TONS of caps coming in and fewer and fewer children/students willing to sort.  Remember this was a children's program, they must do the collecting and sorting work. We hit our 3 year mark and hung up our CAP BARRELS!  We hoped to become instigators and inspire others to start their own journey with recycling. We have had a great experience and learned so much about recycling.


FAQ #3 -- How can I get a bench or table for MY COMMUNITY??? 

Green Tree Plastics, the company that administers the ABC Promise Partnership program is still going strong!  This is a program designed by school children FOR school children.  If you are a children's group and qualify under this rule 

​​Contact   Barbara 
It's an amazing program.  CLICK HERE and we will re-direct you to their OFFICIAL web site.


Dream Center is no longer collecting CAPS/LIDS.


FAQ #5 -- Where can I see one of these amazing benches/tables???

Phase 1 - BLUE  -  (PetSafe Bark Park)   13 Benches, Two 8' ADA Ozark Tables, 3 Trash Receptacles

Phase 2 - ORANGE -  (JDCF)  2 benches
Phase 3 - GREEN -  (P.A.W.S)  5 benches
Phase 4 - (Thank-Yous)    1 CEDAR bench at the Hampton Inn  and   1 GREEN 
 bench at Pet Supplies Plus

​Phase 5 - GREEN  -  (Morgan County Fairgrounds)  6 benches
Phase 6 - (Jacksonville Police Dept.) Thin Blue Line Bench

Phase 7 - RAINBOW  -  (Bright Beginnings Day Care) 2 benches

Phase 8 - GRAY  -  (Sangamon, Menard & Logan County Fairgrounds) 14 benches

Phase 9 - ORANGE  -  (FAN Schools)  5 benches

Phase 10 - RED  -  (Jacksonville Fire Stations) 2 benches

Phase 11 - GRAY  -  (Jacksonville Presbyterian Day Care) 4 benches

Phase 12 - RED  -  Bob Freesen YMCA) 2 benches

Phase 13 - GRAY  -  (Waverly First United Methodist Church) 5 benches

Phase 14 - GREEN  -  (Pathway Services) 1 bench

Phase 15 - GRAY  -  (Franklin New Methodist Church) 2 benches
Phase 16 - RED -- (Greenview School) 8 benches

Phase 17 - GRAY  -  (South Jacksonville Park District) 4 benches

Phase 18 - GRAY  -  (Sangamon, Menard & Logan County Fairgrounds) 16 benches

​Phase 19 - GRAY  -  (All Occasions Flowers) 1 bench


Angel Cap Weight Donation Recipients

Phase 20 - BLUE & ORANGE  -  (New Berlin Elementary School) Four tables*

Phase 21 - BLUE   -  (Village of New Berlin) Twelve Tables*

*​Phase 20 & 21 had a special "Angel Donation" of caps that covered the cap weight needed for all 16 of those tables.



​Phase 22 - CEDAR  -  (Veterans Park) 4 benches

Phase 23 - ORANGE  & RAINBOW  -  (Murrayville-Woodson School) 5 Benches

Phase 24 - RED  -  (Spirit of Faith - Faith Center & Soup Kitchen) 1 bench


​The community support has been overwhelming, we appreciate it!  Without your support we could NEVER have placed this many wonderfully colorful items around our community.  You can find more details and photos of our recipients below.

We have archived our FACEBOOK PAGE, so the photos are archived online, but not available currently.

               THANK YOU to all our CAP COLLECTORS!              

              We could not have done this without YOU!             

   Phase 1 - PetSafe™ Bark Park  

It sounds super challenging right?  The newly built Jacksonville PetSafe™ Bark Park was needing 12 benches, 2 tables, and 3 trash receptacles.  (Click Here to see the multi-tier plans from the University of Illinois' Office of Recreation and Park Resources).  Jacksonville won a grand prize of $100,000 from PetSafe!  That was a major accomplishment, and it sounds like a lot of money, however,  that money only covered the basics for the dog park such as fence & parking lot.  Items such as tables, benches, dog agility equipment, trash cans, etc will all be funded by the Bark Park Initiative which is part of the Jacksonville Park Foundation.  The Bark Park has been raising additional funding since they won the grand prize.  JDCF happily accepted the challenge, we helped keep this plastic out of landfills, AND helped the Bark Park (by making the money they have fund-raised go further)  with the ABC Promise of "A Bench for Caps"! 
JDCF had multiple bags of caps stored in a garage!  The Bark Park requires a lot of benches, tables, and trash receptacles, but JDCF wanted to make sure they had some of the items HERE for the Grand Opening of the PetSafe Bark Park.  JDCF decided to do a Round #1 SORTING PARTY, and a Round #1 CAP DELIVERY to Green Tree Plastics in Evansville, Indiana.

Click Here to see photos of the Round #1 Cap Sorting Party.  It was hosted by the Jacksonville Hampton Inn. 8-15-16.

Click Here to see photos of the Round #1 Cap Delivery to Evansville, and the items we brought back. 9-9-16. 
OR to get a better idea of just how many  PLASTIC CAPS we have recycled watch the video. -->

Click Here to see photos of the PetSafe Bark Park's Grand Opening. 10-8-16.
Over half the items needed were on-site for the Grand Opening. 

Cap collecting continued, and with all the local newspapers, T.V. stations and social media promoting the Bark Park, the remaining pounds of CAPS needed were coming in quicker than ever.  On 12-5-16 we took a second trip out to Green Tree Plastics to deliver more CAPS and to bring home more items.
Click Here to see photos of the Round #2 Cap Sorting Party at the Jacksonville Hampton Inn. 10-23-16.
Click Here to see photos of the Round #3 Cap Sorting Party at the Jacksonville Hampton Inn. 11-27-16.
Click Here to see photos of the Round #2 Cap Delivery to Evansville, IN. 12-5-16.

9-9-16 -- We took our FIRST LOAD of CAPS to Greentree Plastics and with a weigh in of 970 LBS, were able to bring our first benches home!


12-5-16--We took our SECOND LOAD of CAPS to Greentree Plastics.  With an official Weigh-In of 1,996 pounds of caps and were able to bring home everything else the PetSafe Bark Park was needing!

   Phase 2 - A Little Something Just For Us!   

The JDCF kids & volunteers work very hard promoting the "A Bench for Caps" Community Recycling drive, answering questions, putting up flyers, distributing barrels, saving caps, collecting caps from drop-off sites and of course SORTING.  The kids must go through each and every cap donated to make sure no unacceptable material is in the bags (like metal or other trash). This is a long and tedious process, but VITAL to our continued participation in this program.  Metal could damage the drill bits at Green Tree Plastics and could mean our disqualification from the program, so this step is crucial.


JDCF is now the home of two very unique 4' ORANGE ENGRAVED benches.  While Green Tree Plastics does not engrave the bench boards at their plant, a company called Signarama (both in Evansville, IN) does.  JDCF kids have worked so hard with this program that the mentors felt they deserved something extra special.  ENGRAVED BENCHES! 

If you haven't seen one of these wonderful benches, feel free to stop by 210 West College to see and sit on one. They are sturdy and quite comfortable!

Student CAP LEADERS: Jayla and Kayla Critchelow

   Phase 3 - P.A.W.S.   

Protecting Animal Welfare Society

400 West Walnut St.
Jacksonville, IL 62650

Phone: (217) 243-7297


​100% Dedicated Volunteer Staff

P.A.W.S. is a State Licensed 501c3 No-Kill Animal Rescue Group.
They rely on community support and donations. 


P.A.W.S. received  FIVE 6' Benches in GREEN.

Each bench features a personalized and unique dedication plaque. 

4-3-17--We took our THIRD LOAD of CAPS to Green Tree Plastics.  With an official Weigh-In  of 2,110 pounds of caps, we were able to complete Phase 3 & 4.

   Phase 4 - Thank-You For Your Support Recipients  

Many places here in town have been AMAZING SUPPORTERS of our Community Recycling Drive;  Especially:


Hampton Inn - Jacksonville 

Michelle Foreman-Smith and her friendly staff have allowed us to have many of our CAP SORTING PARTIES here!  It's our "Official Cap Sorting Party" location. We completely invade their lobby/breakfast area with our CAPS and KIDS and for many hours at a time.  Plus there is always the added perk of being able to swim in their pool afterwards. JDCF  appreciates their support and wanted to say THANKS!


Pet Supplies Plus - Jacksonville

PSP is one of the top public collection drop-off sites for CAPS!

They had a large Fish Tank right at their front door entrance. Vicki Loughary and her staff have to keep emptying the caps from their fish tank into a cart until we can get there to pick them up.  JDCF  appreciates their support and wanted to say THANKS!

Click this icon for their

Facebook Page


Hampton Inn received a 6' Bench in Cedar Brown.

Click this icon for their

Facebook Page

Pet Supplies Plus received a 6' Bench in Green.

We have AMAZING community support, and sometimes our local paper features an article about us. We appreciate all the publicity we can get.

***UPDATE - as of July 13, 2017 our recycling drive has been REVITALIZED!  We had local colleges commit to helping and providing more students to help sort.  JDCF was collecting CAPS & LIDS once again.

   Phase 5 - Morgan County Fairgrounds  

7-6-17--We took our FOURTH LOAD of CAPS to Green Tree Plastics.  With an official Weigh-In  of 2,358 pounds of caps, we were able to complete Phase 5 & 6.

received  SIX  4' Benches in GREEN in time for the 2017 Morgan Co Fair.  While you are at the fair, take the time to look at and SIT on one of these fantastic benches.  It's YOUR CAPS that made it possible!

   Phase 6 - Jacksonville Police Dept.  

​It's a "Thin Blue Line" Bench.


What is a Thin Blue Line you ask? The Thin Blue Line is a symbol used by law enforcement to commemorate fallen and to show support for the living law enforcement officers and to symbolize the relationship of law enforcement in the community as the protectors of fellow civilians from criminal elements. The Thin Blue Line represents the police officer role of separating the good from the bad while creating order from chaos.

Jacksonville Dream Center Foundation is proud to show our support for our local Law Enforcement Officers with this very special bench design.  This bench is outside of their main office and will continue to show our support for YEARS to come.

   Phase 7 - Bright Beginnings Day Care   

3-2-18--We took our FIFTH LOAD of CAPS to Green Tree Plastics.  With an official Weigh-In  of 4,207 pounds of caps, we were able to complete Phase 7, 8, 9 & 10!



   Phase 8 - Sangamon, Menard & Logan County Fairgrounds   

Farm Credit Illinois sponsored  FOURTEEN   4' GRAY benches!


The benches were then distributed to all three county fairs their office services, which includes Sangamon, Menard and Logan County!

   Phase 9 - Franklin, Alexander, Nortonville Schools   

Franklin CUSD #1 and the PTA rocked their cap collecting efforts and got their benches in RECORD time!!!  The schools now have  TWO 6' benches  &  THREE 4' benches in ORANGE!

Sponsor plaques have been custom made, and the benches are out being used!


   Phase 10 - Jacksonville Fire Stations   

   Phase 10 - Jacksonville Fire Stations   

   Phase 10 - Jacksonville Fire Stations   

Jacksonville Dream Center Foundation is proud to show our support for the Jacksonville Fire Department!


Chief Sills requested TWO  4' RED benches so one could be at the main firehouse and the sub-station! These benches will continue to show our support for YEARS to come.


*Bonus that we got to see Smokey!     ------------>

   Phase 11 - Jacksonville First Presbyterian Church Daycare  

Jacksonville First Presbyterian Church DAYCARE received FOUR GRAY   4' benches for their playground!

Pics coming soon...

6-26-18--We took our SIXTH LOAD of CAPS to Green Tree Plastics.  With an official Weigh-In  of 3,727 pounds of caps, we were able to complete Phase 11, 12, 13, 14 & 15!

Thanks to a special ANGEL DONATION of cap weight we also brought back tables for Phase 20 & 21.

   Phase 12 - Bob Freesen YMCA  

YMCA received TWO RED   6' RED benches!


   Phase 13 - Waverly First United Methodist Church   


Waverly First United Methodist Church in Waverly, IL  received FIVE GRAY 4' benches!


   Phase 14 - Pathway Services  

​Pathway Services received a 4' GREEN bench

pics coming soon...

   Phase 15 - Franklin United Methodist Church  

Two memorial benches are being donated to the Franklin United Methodist Church.  TWO GRAY 4' Bench will have plaques with the honoree's names. -- One bench came in the 6-28-18 trip, one came back on the 10-19-18 trip.

pics coming soon...

                   A VERY SPECIAL "ANGEL DONATION"                  

   Phase 20 - New Berlin Elementary School   

   Phase 21 - Village of New Berlin   

New Berlin Elementary School & the Village of New Berlin sent in requests for multiple tables, benches, and trash receptacles.  The CAP WEIGHT needed was going to be over 21,000 pounds.  It's taken JDCF 2 years to recycle 11,000 lbs.  This massive request seemed UN-obtainable. . .


Thanks to a very special "Angel Donation" of CAP WEIGHT that was given to the JDCF specifically for these recipients;  we were able to fulfill their request for all of their TABLES! 


New Berlin Elementary School received 4 tables; 2 orange and 2 blue (including 1  ADA table).


The remaining 12 blue tables were split up between all the city parks (including 6 ADA tables).

On 6-26-18  16 tables were brought back for this order (technically phase 20 & 21).

   Phase 16 - Greenview Schools Senior Class Gift  


3-29-19--We took our EIGHTH LOAD of CAPS to Green Tree Plastics.  With an official Weigh-In  of 4,300 pounds of caps, we were able to complete Phase 16, 22, 23, 24!


The 2019 Seniors Class have been raising money to leave behind a class gift after graduation. Unfortunately, last year their beloved counselor passed away after her very short battle with cancer at the age of 30. Their counselor was collecting CAPS for her church.  The seniors are wanting to have benches, that will be dedicated in her honor, made to place around campus and JDCF is honored to help!


EIGHT  4' Red benches will split between the senior class and the FFA.

   Phase 17 - Village of South Jacksonville  

10-19-18--We took our SEVENTH LOAD of CAPS to Green Tree Plastics.  With an official Weigh-In  of 2,150 pounds of caps, we were able to complete Phase 17, 18, and 19!

FOUR GRAY 4' Bench have been brought back on our trip from Green Tree 10-19-18.

PICS coming soon!

  Phase 18 - Sangamon, Menard & Logan County Fairgrounds 

Farm Credit Illinois was back to sponsor another 16   4' GRAY benches!


The benches will be distributed to all three county fairs their office services, which includes Sangamon, Menard and Logan County!


Benches came back on the 10-19-18 Trip.

   Phase 19 - Special Memorial Bench for Lake  

One special GRAY 4' memorial Bench has been requested.  Bench was brought back on our trip from Green Tree 10-19-18.  PICS coming soon!


   Phase 22 Veterans Park (City of Jacksonville)  


City of Jacksonville has requested FOUR 6' CEDAR colored benches for Veterans Park.

Benches came back on the 3-29-19 Trip;  Pics coming soon.

   Phase 23 Murrayville-Woodson Elementary School  


Murrayville-Woodson PTO has requested ORANGE benches for their Elementary School.

They will be receiving  ONE 6' rainbow (memorial bench), ONE 6' orange bench, and THREE 6' benches with no back...

Benches came back on the 3-29-19 Trip;  Pics coming soon.

   Phase 24 Spirit of Faith - Faith Center & Soup Kitchen  

A 6'  RED BENCH is being donated to the Spirit of Faith - Faith Center & Soup Kitchen in Jacksonville, IL!  JDCF is using the money we earned from the Prairie Farms "Our Caps Your Cause" program to pay for this bench.  Prairie Farms gave us 5¢ per cap code we entered over the years, we were saving that money for something special, and 5,000+ codes later paid for this bench. 


The Soup Kitchen serves supper Monday through Thursday from 3:30 to 4:30 pm.


In addition to meals, the Soup Kitchen facilities have increased after-school activities for children. They provide a safe place for children to engage in music, drama, arts and crafts, and physical games as well as making tutoring available. 


Bench came back on the 3-29-19 Trip.

Spirit of Faith Soup Kitchen director Po

Dream Center's

3 Year Totals

As of 3-29-19 -- the Dream Center's 8th and final trip to Green Tree Plastics -- our community has  officially recycled

39,500 pounds

of plastics caps and lids into useful items for our community!


102 Benches

18 Tables

3 Trash Receptacles



Want to earn items for your own community?

If you are a children's group and you want to earn items for your own school/community.


Contact Green Tree Plastics


ABC Promise Partnership is an amazing program!

Contact Green Tree Plastics
​to make sure you qualify and to get registered  BEFORE you start collecting caps.  It's an amazing program.
CLICK HERE and we will re-direct you to their OFFICIAL web site.

If you are a children's group and are wanting a bench for your own community -- we HIGHLY RECOMMEND Green Tree Plastics in Evansville, Indiana!


Their program called  ABC Promise Partnership which allows kids' to recycle plastic bottle caps and lids into benches for their communities.  It's an exciting teaching tool wherein plastic bottle caps are transformed into benches that will last a lifetime. The true value comes from the profound experience that children can make a difference! They can see, sit on, and donate to their community the very results of their work. This is the most-perfect-real-life example of SUSTAINABILITY and it happens quite naturally as the kids can’t wait to share the story of their bench. Their enthusiasm engages ALL those around them in recycling… their parents… their grand parents… their neighbors… the next generation.

You can use the information on the left to contact Green Tree. We wish you all the best on your recycling journey and we hope your kids have as much fun learning about recycling as ours!

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