Board Members, Mentors, & Dedicated Volunteers
Jacksonville Dream Center Foundation is a 501 3C nonprofit organization. We rely heavily on our dedicated Board Members, Mentors & Community Volunteers who contribute their TIME and KNOWLEDGE for FREE so we can continue to make Dreams Come True around our community.
Board Members
President: Steve Cantrell
• Illinois Dept. of Transportation
• District 117 School Board
• FFA Alumni Board
Cheri Fry
• Graphic Arts Specialist
Bound to Stay Bound Books
• Western Illinois University Alumni
Steven Hardin
• Illinois House Republican Staff
• Republican Chair Morgan Co.
James Grable
​• Boyscout Volunteer
• Business Owner
• MacMurray College Alumni
Cheryl Ballard
• Accountant
• Illinois College Alumni
​Donna Jackson
​Neil Maul
​Gary Hadden
• Livestock Equipment Dealer
• Farmer
Marilyn Sorrill
We are very thankful for our supporters, mentors and dedicated volunteers that share their life long experiences and knowledge in: Ag, Fine Arts, Master Gardening, Carpentry, Health Care, Historical Preservation, Trade Skills, Heavy Equipment, Medical, Politics, Business, Professionals, Educators, and Retirees.
Appreciate your dedication and hard work!
Mentors & Volunteers
Lucas Bohlmann
Alice Cantrell
Nicole Cantrell
Dee Cole
Becky Colwell
Tim Critchelow
​Kristina Critchelow
McKayla Critchelow
Jayla Critchelow
Lahia Critchelow
Hannah Dawson
​DeAnna Edwards
​Stefan Edwards
Ashley Fry
​Nancy Hamby
Jane Hadden
Orion Higuet
Noah Higuet
Mary Ingram
Mark Jackson
​Mandy Jackson
​Annie Jackson
Lori Jackson
Shane McGath
Jessica McGath
Andrew McGath
Tylea McMillan
Anita Moody
Christopher Seymour
Tim Seymour
Rich Schafer
Jenny Smith
Andrew Towers
Tammy White